999 Miles, 1600 km to ride and discover Italia del Grand Tour


From Rome to Matera and back through some of the Southern Italy's most suggestive places and atmospheres, through art and cultural treasures and eno-gastronomic excellences.

An adventure-travel, a challenge with oneself for cyclists who don't fair long rides on low traffic back roads and breathtaking landscapes.


The 3 following options:

  • Randonneur BRM Formula (Randonneur Mondiaux Brevet) - maximum time 144 hours
  • Randonneur BRI Formula (Randonneur Italia Brevet) - maximum time 168 hours
  • CycloTurism formula (Grand Tourist Certificate)- for Cycle tourism: 8 stages of 200 km a day and 7 nights accommodations by a Tour Operator responsible for organizing services and baggage transportation. 
All info about it can be found on the Italian Official Audax web-site www.audaxitalia.it.

pre-registrations are now open.  

Cut-off date on November 30, 2016 or when the registrations limit is reached. 


Entries for the Cycle tourism formula will open on November 15 and continue until full (write to bikemotion@bikemotion.it for info and registration)


The 999Miles is a "stage" of the new "Super Challenge" named L'Italia del Grand Tour (Find out what is and Read the rules.)

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